Robot cell for quality inspection

Robot cell for quality inspection When building robotic systems for materials testing, a constant sequence of robot programmes with constant sensor spacing must be ensured. Home Anwendungen WIEST advantages Customer benefits By using LaserLAB, the customer is able to maintain its robot systems, which are sold worldwide, according to a standardised method. Integration on the […]

Path welding with manual jig change

Path welding with manual jig change Due to the small batch sizes, the line has to be changed over very frequently. Each time, refitting results in a very long production downtime. Home Anwendungen Wiest advantages Customer benefits By using the LaserLAB, the customer has reduced its set-up time from eight hours to around 30 minutes. […]

Offline programming of 12 axes

Offline programming of 12 axes Offline generated programmes are causing deviations in a cell for welding very large assemblies. Home Anwendungen Advantages Benefit for the client The accuracy of the entire 12-axis system, consisting of a gantry robot, tool and 3-axis positioner, has been significantly improved. A test with an off-line generated programme resulted in […]

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