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Our customer support team is here to help you. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

We can help you find the causes of problems, advise on possible solutions and offer complete solutions with customised measurement programmes and systems. Unser erfahrenes Team von Roboterspezialisten arbeitet Hand in Hand mit Ihnen an der Umsetzung von Lösungen und schult Ihr Personal vor Ort.

Advice and planning

Product advice and development of a measurement plan

“The robot is inaccurate”: Depending on the context, different problems are meant.

Some or all of the working positions are no longer reached with the usual accuracy, or some operations cannot be programmed with the desired accuracy (position drift along the base, inaccuracies during reorientation).

These problems can have a variety of causes. Contact us and we will help you find the causes, advise on possible solutions and provide complete solutions with customised measurement programmes and systems.


Initial commissioning and re-measurement of the plant

Our experienced team of robot specialists will work with you to efficiently implement cell calibration solutions and train your staff to use the systems.

The focus is on practival solution strategies that are tailored to the level of competence of the users on site.


Training and documentation

Technical support

If you have any technical questions, please contact our support team.

+49 (0)821 480 44 99 - 0

Technical support

If you have any technical questions, please contact our support team.

+49 (0)821 480 44 99 - 0

Please use our contact form so that we can provide you with a personalised service.


Gripper control and calibration with GripLAB


Testing and calibration of rotationally symmetric tools


Calibrate directly in the manufacturing cell with LaserLAB

Sie wollen Ihre Roboter "Wiesten"?

You want your robots to get "Wiested"?

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