Choose your individual software modules - and upgrade any time!

Recalibration or safeguarding; tool, base or robot; 3D, 5D or 6D.

Full flexibility for the robot expert or stringent/simple processes for the semi-skilled operator

The right software for every scenario.


The complete Wiest Suite or individual components - you decide!

Product description

The right software for every scenario.

The Wiest software allows you to integrate the calibration solutions into your robot cell in a user-friendly way.

  • Automatic loading of the kinematic machine data
  • Fully automatic measurement data acquisition based on simple teached measurement programs possible.
  • Automatic reading and writing of tool data, base data, work objects, user frames and other calibration data at the push of a button
  • Transparent error measures and quality criteria
  • Full measurement logs for reconstruction of the condition at each measurement


Choose your individual solution - and upgrade anytime !

Precise and functionally measured robot kinematics are essential in modern automation. In combination with LaserLAB as measuring system, our software enables the realization of these core objectives of modern automation


The aim of the survey is to determine the tool center point (TCP). You get the real geometrical dimensions of the tool with respect to the flange coordinate system, both in 3, 5 and 6 dimensions.


The goal is to determine the transformation from the workpiece to the robot's coordinate system. The software measures fixtures, stations or external stationary tools. High-precision, contactless and automatic.


The aim is to measure, optimize and reference the absolute positioning accuracy using the "closed-loop method". You get an accurate model of the robot axes. Suitable for optimization and recovery.


The goal is to measure 1- to 5-axis positioners, rotary tables, rotary tilting tables, additional axes or synchronized, coupled, cooperating robots. You get a coordinate system in which the kinematics move.

Compatible robot systems

WIEST:IN is compatible with:

Other robot controllers and manufacturers available on request.


Our customer support team is here to help you. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

We can help you find the causes, advise on possible solutions and offer complete solutions with customised measurement programmes and systems. Contact us.

Our experienced team of robotics specialists will work hand in hand with you to efficiently implement cell calibration solutions and train your staff to use the systems.

Complete measurement data logs allow optimal remote support by our experts. Our support is also available for spontaneous problems via e-mail, telephone, video call or on-site.

Interested in our WIEST:IN software? We will be happy to advise you.

Just fill in the form or call us directly.


Gripper control and calibration with GripLAB


Testing and calibration of rotationally symmetric tools


Calibrate directly in the manufacturing cell with LaserLAB

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